How to use Vite with CDN

April 28, 2023

I deployed a project bundled by Vite to CDN recently. It's surprising that there isn't a clear solution available for such a common requirement. It's even more surprising that there is little discussion around this topic on the web, I only found a single related Github discussion which created about a year ago.

I didn't find a solution after searching via Google, so I visited the official website with the hope of discovering some magic configurations that would make CDN deployment possible. Fortunately, I stumbled upon the experimental renderBuiltUrl configuration in the advanced base options section, which appeared to support CDN usage based on the sample code provided.

According to the sample code, the simplified final configuration in the project is as follows, I added additional comments for better understanding. The real configuration is more complicated because it depends on a package which is based on web worker architecture, some additional resources must be copied and hashed manually.

// learned from vite source code
const dynamicBaseAssetsCode = `
globalThis.__toAssetUrl = url => './' + url

function createCDNPlugin(cdnPrefix = '') {
  return {
    name: 'vite-plugin-cdn-transform-html',
    transformIndexHtml(html, ctx) {
      // add crossorigin to css bundle, you may not need to this
      // I submited a PR, it hasn't been merged yet.
      const htmlContent = html.replace(
        /<link rel="stylesheet" (href=".+?\.css")>/gm,
        '<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin $1>',
      if (ctx.bundle) {
        // Only inject during build
        const tags = [
            tag: 'script',
            children: dynamicBaseAssetsCode,
        return {
          html: htmlContent,

// additional comments added for better understanding.
const viteConfig = {
  experimental: {
    renderBuiltUrl(filename: string, { hostId, hostType, type }: { hostId: string, hostType: 'js' | 'css' | 'html', type: 'public' | 'asset' }) {
      // CDN deploy can be turn off if VITE_CDN_PREFIX not set.
      if (!process.env.VITE_CDN_PREFIX) {
        return filename;
      // resource in public directory, use relative path to support subpath deployment, 
      // see for details.
      if (type === 'public') {
        return './' + filename;
      } else if (path.extname(hostId) === '.js') {
        // dynamic resources used in javascript chunk.
        // <video src="../assets/imgs/guid/4.mp4" />
        // <img src="../assets/imgs/chatdoc.png" />
        // import wasm from 'somepackage/demo.wasm?url';
        const extsCopiedToCdn = ['.wasm', '.png', '.mp4', '.svg'];
        if (extsCopiedToCdn.includes(path.extname(filename))) {
          return process.env.VITE_CDN_PREFIX + filename;
        // the object syntax can only be used when hostType is 'js'
        // 'runtime' means the final result will be converted to a function call,
        // so you must make sure `window.__toAssetUrl` is bind to window namespace, and can resolve asset url successfully,
        // the `vite-plugin-cdn-transform-html` use `transformIndexHtml` hook to inject the `window.__toAssetUrl`.
        return {
          runtime: `window.__toAssetUrl(${JSON.stringify(filename)})`,
      } else {
        // hostType is html or css
        // html means auto-injected js and css chunks
        return process.env.VITE_CDN_PREFIX + filename;
  plugins: [


Do a full function check if you want to upgrade Vite. My colleague upgrade Vite from 4.2.1 to 4.3.4 recently, caused dynamic import and manually chunk not work as expected!

Useful Dependencies

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Written by Priestch who lives and works in Xi'an building useful things. You can follow him on Github